WHOIS Privacy Protection
Secure your domain name’s WHOIS. Shield against cyber–theft. Look at our Whois Privacy Protection service.

Whois Privacy Protection with Address Hosting
As a rule, your WHOIS info needs to be available to the public and in addition completely accurate. It means that you’ll need to write down your own personal or business information online and allow it to be accessible for every person to check. When using the WHOIS Privacy Protection service you can find at Address Hosting, it’s possible to cover up all your details with the use of our information as an alternative.
The best part is the fact that just about all domain–related emails (transfer requests, EPP codes, etc.) will still go through, when not needed e–mail messages can be blocked out.
Whois Privacy Protection–eligible TLDs
We’re unable to supply Whois Privacy Protection for all the domain names. That is a constraint imposed by the entity in control of administering the specific TLD at the highest level. This is why just a couple domains are Whois Privacy Protection–eligible:
The supported TLDs are: .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .co, .co.za, .me, .tv & .cc.
SSL Certificates
Pick up SSL certificates from your CP
If you have a web store, which accepts credit card payments, it’s crucial that you offer your customers a safe payment information submission area. And this is exactly where SSL certificates come into play – they encode the connection between your website and the client. Usually, you need to go to a third–party vendor to order an SSL certificate. This isn’t the situation with Address Hosting.
With us, you’ll be able to enable a regular SSL certificate or even a wildcard SSL certificate right through your Control Panel.
Domain Name Parking
Domain name parking designed simple
In case you want to to park a domain, you’ll be able to quickly do it using our Domain Parking tool. At any moment, you will be able to effortlessly point your domain name to our two domain name parking themes – Under Construction and For Sale. Your domain will be parked right away. You will be able to park as many domain names as you need!
To personalize the domain parking templates, you may also embed custom images and messages.
Easy Scalability
Switch your cloud hosting plan with a click
If you’ve only got a domain name with us, but you also desire to move your web site(s) to our platform, you can simply move to one of our cloud hosting plans. Simply go to the Upgrade Plan section of your Domain Control Panel and pick the package that you desire to move to. We’ll then enable all the available hosting options for you and you will be able to make full use of all the site creation and administration tools that are inside the Control Panel.
All our web hosting plans offer a drag–and–drop File Manager, webmail access, the option to create multiple MySQL databases and to examine exhaustive web site traffic stats, and a lot more, so all you will need to consider is the amount of resources that you need for your sites.
Compare Our Prices
- Make your choice from as many as fifty assorted TLDs for your domain name. Go for a domain name registration at an unbeatable value.
- Compare our TLD prices
TLD Details
- Discover a little more about the 50+ TLDs you can find at Address Hosting. Check if your chosen TLD comes with any particular registration prerequisites.
- View TLD Details
Service Guarantees
- Appreciate risk–free domain hosting solutions. At Address Hosting, we warranty you a 99.9% network uptime.
Contact Us
- Would you like to learn more on the Whois Privacy Protection service? Give us a call and / or make use of the live chat service on our site. Additionally, you can make use of the 24–7–365 ticketing system or send us an e–mail message. 1–hour response is guaranteed.