Monthly Traffic
What precisely is "Monthly Traffic"? Just how much monthly traffic will you need for your web sites and applications?
When some info is uploaded to a cloud web hosting account or downloaded using it, web site traffic is produced and this is a component that each and every hosting package comes with. It is moreover among the features it is important to take a look at, since how much site traffic allowance you will need will depend on what exactly you need the account for. The web site traffic is primarily produced by downloads including website visits. In layman's terms, when someone visits your website, the web pages are downloaded from the server on his/her computer system and they are afterwards displayed by their web browser. It is also important to know that uploads matter too, therefore every time you copy bigger files from your pc to the server, some traffic will be generated as well. Different suppliers often have different names for this specific feature, like traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, but they all refer to the same thing - the total amount of incoming and outgoing data generated for a particular period of time.
Monthly Traffic in Cloud Web Hosting
All of our
Linux cloud web hosting are ideal for any kind of small to medium-sized site or even a larger variety of websites. Considering that you can host various domains using one account, we have designed our packages in a way so as to supply all the features you'll need. Regardless if you have an individual portfolio website or an e-commerce website, the monthly site traffic quota that your site can use will not be a holdback. In this way, you will have the possibility to widen your worldwide web presence and obtain countless new visitors without worrying about getting to some cap. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel offers you in-depth data related to the traffic usage to and from your account, which will allow you to handle all your web sites as well as the account much better. You can view hourly, daily and monthly stats, the site traffic generated by each individual domain and by the account altogether, the most downloaded files, etcetera.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All of our
semi-dedicated server plans are very powerful and you can run many websites from just a single account. The monthly traffic feature suits that power, so what you'll get is a web hosting account with truly limitless info transfer. Due to this fact, your sites can grow as much as it's possible with this kind of hosting and you can get as many website visitors as you wish. For better web site and account administration, you can see what amount of website traffic each of your sites generates, yet we will never put a restriction. To save you time, you can view monthly, daily and hourly figures as well as the particular pages that are visited most often, or files that are downloaded the most. With our semi-dedicated hosting plans, you'll never concern yourself with reaching some traffic limit so you are able to concentrate on enhancing your websites and getting more visitors.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Web Hosting
Taking into consideration how powerful all our
Linux dedicated web hosting are, the data transfer that you'll get each and every month will be enough for any kind of website whatever the amount of its visitors, even if you offer image or file hosting. You'll have a quota of terabytes of traffic every month and due to the fact that you will not share the server with anybody else, that allowance will be supplied just for your web sites and web apps. We will inform you whenever you get to 90% of your allowance therefore you can react and either optimize your web sites to lower the traffic they make, or increase the limit. It's highly unlikely that you will ever require more than what we will give you, but we won't limit the growth of your websites, therefore we leave the chance to add additional traffic open. The dedicated server plans include an administration panel where you'll be able to see the amount of website traffic has been produced so far for the current month and how much is left until you reach the cap. Considering the fact that these figures contain software installations as well as any updates, they are more correct compared to various hosting Control Panel stats which include only the site traffic made by web sites.