Improving your site could be tough considering that you have to improve your backend code very much to ensure your websites function better. Nonetheless, you can better your website’s efficiency, without needing to modify anything in the backend. Through the help of the Site Accelerator Applications, included in the Web Hosting Control Panel, you could help your web–sites stream and function a lot faster than in the past. This is not going to simply reward your end users (everyone loves the web page they’re checking out to work rapidly), but will also help your web site achieve greater rankings in major search engines.
Dealing with the Site Accelerator Applications is definitely very easy. Just simply go to the Web Hosting Control Panel to see just how each web accelerator instrument works.
RAM–memorizing as a substitute for database queries
In case you have a lively database–powered website or app, it could have problems running rapidly for the website visitors as a result of the multiple calls sent to the database. To help you fix the web–page streaming trouble, we have bundled the Memcached platform within the Web Hosting Control Panel.
Memcached is really an impressive distributed memory caching system, which collects data and objects in the server’s memory to avoid the database from being asked every time a visitor opens a selected web page. By doing this, your site pages will load a lot faster for website visitors and definately will increase the chance for them to come back.
RAM–storing as an alternative to HTTP queries
Using the Varnish website accelerator integrated into the Web Hosting Control Panel, you may make your website webpages stream faster for your customers. All of the configurations are carried out using a simple to use interface, without having to make any kind of immediate changes to the back–end code of your website.
Varnish is definitely an HTTP accelerator that will help all pages run faster by caching them inside the server memory. By doing this, right after a webpage has already been loaded by a visitor in the past, it does not need to be brought from the hosting server any further, which lowers loading speeds and also quickens your web pages. It’s been measured that Varnish typically quickens website speed times with a 300 – 1000x factor.
Generate adaptable web apps without hassle
Node.js gives an up–to–date programming system for developing adaptable web applications and websites in record time. It could be employed for just about everything – from managing API calls, streaming data as well as parsing emails to converting graphics, audio files, video clips and office documents.
It’s based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and uses an event–based, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it streamlined and reliable. Furthermore, Node.js possesses a big loyal community that creates regular updates for the program and is always in a position to provide support.